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What We Believe


We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of scripture. The sixty-six
books of the Bible are inerrant, complete, and authoritative. Scripture is God's
revelation and serves as the supreme standard for Christian and Church guidance. We believe in the literal, grammatical, and historical method of Biblical interpretation.
(Psalm 138:2, 2 Tim. 3:14-17, Heb. 4:12)




 We believe God is one and perfect in holiness, and we worship Him as such. God
is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is intelligent, loving, and personal. As the Ruler of
the universe, all honor and glory belongs to Him. God reveals himself as the Trinity, or
three distinct persons, yet one in nature, essence, and being. (Eph. 1:1-14)



God the Father is our loving Creator who expresses a fatherly attitude toward
His creation. He is sovereign and is ruling over all things. He has an eternal
purpose to glorify His name and all things fit perfectly into His plan. (Gen. 1:1,
Matt. 6:9, Rom. 8:14-15, 1 Cor. 8:6)



God the Son is Jesus Christ who has eternally existed. Jesus came to earth to be
born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. As the only human to live without sin, He
accomplished what all men fail to do, perfectly fulfilling the will of the Father.
As a perfect sacrifice, He laid down His life and took the penalty for sin when He
died on the cross, paying the debt for all mankind. Through His death and
resurrection, salvation is offered to all men of all times. Existing as fully God and
fully man, Jesus resides over His Kingdom and will physically return one day to
establish it. (Isa. 53, John 1:1-18, 2 Cor. 5:19-21, Heb. 1:1-3)



The Holy Spirit brings illumination and understanding, exalts Christ, convicts of
sin, and affects regeneration. At the moment of salvation, every believer is
baptized by the Holy Spirit into the family of God and is empowered by the
Spirit to serve God's Kingdom. He seals every believer unto the day of
redemption, establishing eternal security. (Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 2:10-14, Eph. 1:13-14,
2 Pet 1:21)




We believe that God created man in His own image, and through his own
disobedience, man fell into sin. Man is a sinner by nature and by choice. Because of
man's total depravity, sin separates him from a relationship with God. All are in a
terrible position of being unable to reach God by their own works or good deeds. As a
result of sin, every human needs a Savior. (Gen. 3, Rom. 3, 1 Cor. 15:19-22)
Salvation: We believe salvation comes by the grace of God through faith. God is
sovereign over all and salvation is by grace alone; it is a free gift. No one can be good
enough to merit his or her own redemption, but God's love is shown through Jesus'
work and salvation is offered freely. When God calls sinners to repentance, His elect
respond by repenting of sin and placing complete trust in Jesus. The sinner is made a new creation and is justified in God's sight. The believer begins to experience sanctification as a result of the gift of eternal life. (John 3:3-21, Acts 2:21, Acts 16:30-31,
Titus 2:11-14)




We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, carrying out the work of
our King on the earth. The local church is a self-governing body of baptized believers
under the authority of God and His Word. The local church observes the two
ordinances of Christ: baptism and communion. The local church is on mission with
God, meeting to worship Him and grow in grace together. They go into the world to
carry out Jesus' command to love God and love the world, and to carry out Jesus’
commission to make disciples. The Church seeks to expand God's family through
evangelism and serve all people by showing the love of God. Churches should seek to
cooperate with other churches, denominations, and networks as a unified Body,
working together for the sake of the Gospel. (Matt. 16:15-19, Acts 2:41-42, 1 Cor. 12,
Eph. 3:21)




We believe in the imminent and personal return of Jesus Christ. We
believe the just will have part in the resurrection of life and enjoy eternal fellowship
with God; the ungodly will come forth unto the resurrection of damnation. After
judgment, the ungodly will abide in conscious existence in the torments of eternal hell.
(1 Thes. 4:14-18, 2 Thes. 2, Rev. 20:1-22:13)

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